
@MessageMapping(value = ["v1.message.{client}"])
class MessageSubscriptionRSocketController(messageSubscriptionService: MessageSubscriptionService, protobufSerializer: ProtoBuf, serverStore: ServerStore)


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constructor(messageSubscriptionService: MessageSubscriptionService, protobufSerializer: ProtoBuf, serverStore: ServerStore)


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@MessageMapping(value = ["delete.{id}"])
suspend fun delete(@DestinationVariable client: String, @DestinationVariable id: Int)

Delete message fnf RSocket API. Takes as argument in metadata the id of message as Int and the client path as String.

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@MessageMapping(value = ["stream"])
suspend fun send(@DestinationVariable client: String): Flow<RSocketResponse>

Stream a Flow of MessageWithId as request/stream RSocket API. Takes nothing as argument in payload. In metadata takes the client path as String.