
Defines APIs for the registration phase. The registration phase is the main entry point to imahub's services, where one should retrieve his imahub-uuid at the end of it.


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abstract suspend fun registerAccount(account: RegisterAccount): HubPayload<Account>

Registers an account to hub-server and creates a linked device with empty keys.

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As registerAccount, but the AccountKeyBundle.identityKey is immediately set as NON_SIGNAL_COMPLIANT during registration and there should not be a call to set keys afterward

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Replaces the old master-device by deleting it and makes the receiving device the new master-device. Also, through this API the end-user's new device discovers its account's uuid. After this operation the device should set its signal-keys.

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fun <T> HubClientCoroutineContextStrategy.runBlockingWithContext(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T

Runs a new coroutine in HubClientCoroutineContextStrategy.clientCoroutineContext context and blocks the current thread until its completion. This function should not be used from a coroutine.


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The hubClient's-coroutine-context. It can be used to explicit define in which CoroutineContext the new client will run.