Package-level declarations


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Defines all APIs for managing the hub-account, this includes the registration phase.

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A builder for address DSL. To create an instance of builder, use Address factory function.

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Defines APIs to create upload and download attachment URL.

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annotation class BlockingBridgeApi

Marks declarations in SDK-Hub API that are blocking bridges between suspended and non-suspended code — they have limited use-case and shall be used with care in general code. Carefully read documentation of any declaration marked as BlockingBridgeApi.

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Defines all the APIs for the contact discovery.

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Defines all the APIs for discovering and managing the user's devices. Also, it extends the registration phase when the user's msisdn has already a registered account.

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typealias EmptyPayload = Payload

A marker which indicates the Payload is empty.

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Defines a strategy for bridging non-blocking with blocking code.

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The HubRSocketClient provides an abstraction over the RSocket implementation, to interact with the hub-server's RSocket APIs.

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A builder class for HubRSocketClient DSL. To create an instance of builder, use HubRSocketClient factory function.

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typealias HubRSocketConnector = RSocketConnector

The rsocket-connector which the HubRSocketClient will be based on.

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typealias HubRSocketConnectorBuilder = RSocketConnectorBuilder

A builder class for HubRSocketConnector DSL. To create an instance of builder, use HubRSocketConnector factory function.

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A wrapper around HubRSocketConnector to provide a more Java friendly API.

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HubServerRSocketInstance is used to specify the hub-server instance which the client will connect on. It encapsulates the ServerClient which this client represents and the address of the hub-server's instance.

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data class InetSocketAddress(val hostname: String, val port: Int)

Represents a socket address.

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class KeepAlive @JvmOverloads constructor(intervalMillis: Int = 20 * 1000, maxLifetimeMillis: Int = 90 * 1000)

Represents the time internal for KEEPALIVE frames.

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Defines the core APIs to send and retrieve messages.

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typealias MimeType = io.rsocket.kotlin.core.MimeType

The root of hierarchy of all mime-types.

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typealias MimeTypeWithName = io.rsocket.kotlin.core.MimeTypeWithName

Represents a mime-type with name. We can use it to access the MimeType through text (see MimeType).

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typealias PayloadMimeType = io.rsocket.kotlin.payload.PayloadMimeType

Represents the Encoding MIME Type for encoding of Data and Metadata.

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class ReconnectPredicate(val cause: Throwable, val attempt: Long)

Represents the predicate for retry logic.

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Defines APIs for the registration phase. The registration phase is the main entry point to imahub's services, where one should retrieve his imahub-uuid at the end of it.

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Defines APIs for configuring a server-client. These APIs can be used after authorization phase by a server-client to configure his capabilities.

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class SetupPayload @JvmOverloads constructor(data: ByteReadPacket, metadata: ByteReadPacket? = null) : Closeable

Represents the Setup Frame that is sent by the client to inform the server of the parameters under which it desires to operate.

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Defines all the APIs for managing the signal-protocol compliant keys.

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typealias WellKnownMimeType = io.rsocket.kotlin.core.WellKnownMimeType

Predefined well-known mime-types (see MimeType).


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fun Address(builderAction: AddressBuilder.() -> Unit): InetSocketAddress

A builder function for creating an address.

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Blocking-call variant of SignalKeys.countKeys.

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@JvmName(name = "deleteAccount")
fun Accounts.blockingDeleteAccount(targetAccount: UUID)

Blocking-call variant of Accounts.deleteAccount.

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Blocking-call variant of Contacts.getContacts.

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Blocking-call variant of Contacts.getContacts.

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Blocking-call variant of Devices.getDevices.

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@JvmName(name = "from")
fun blockingHubRSocketClient(hubInstance: HubServerRSocketInstance, connector: HubServerConnector, context: CoroutineContext = getHubClientCoroutineContext()): HubRSocketClient

A blocking builder function for creating a HubRSocketClient.

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@JvmName(name = "verifyRetrievedMessage")
fun Messages.blockingVerifyRetrievedMessage(messageId: Int)

Blocking-call variant of Messages.verifyRetrievedMessage.

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Configures HubRSocketConnector to be compatible with hub-server and stores client-name, jwt token with proper mimeType.

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fun RSocketConnectorBuilder.ConnectionConfigBuilder.configureSetupPayload(clientName: String, jwt: String)

Configures setupPayload to store clientName and jwt token in proper format.

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fun Contacts.getContacts(msisdnNumbers: Flux<Msisdn>): Flux<HubPayload<Contact>>

Flux variant of Contacts.getContacts stream.

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Returns the hub-client's CoroutineContext strategy.

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suspend fun HubRSocketClient(client: ServerClient, builderAction: HubRSocketClientBuilder.() -> Unit): HubRSocketClient
suspend fun HubRSocketClient(clientName: String, builderAction: HubRSocketClientBuilder.() -> Unit): HubRSocketClient

A builder function for creating a HubRSocketClient.

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A builder function for creating HubRSocketConnector.

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Set-ups the configuration to be compatible with hub-server.

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@JvmName(name = "createHubServerConnector")
fun HubServerConnector(reconnectPredicate: ReconnectPredicate? = null, keepAlive: KeepAlive? = null, payloadMimeType: PayloadMimeType? = springServerMimeTypeConfig(), setupPayload: SetupPayload? = null): HubServerConnector

A factory function for creating a HubServerConnector with the given parameters.

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A factory function for creating a PayloadMimeType with data and metadata as MimeTypeWithName.

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fun <T> HubClientCoroutineContextStrategy.runBlockingWithContext(block: suspend CoroutineScope.() -> T): T

Runs a new coroutine in HubClientCoroutineContextStrategy.clientCoroutineContext context and blocks the current thread until its completion. This function should not be used from a coroutine.

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@JvmName(name = "createSetupPayload")
fun SetupPayload(data: ByteArray, metadata: ByteArray? = null): SetupPayload

A factory function for creating SetupPayload with data and metadata as ByteArray.

@JvmName(name = "createSetupPayload")
fun SetupPayload(data: String, metadata: String? = null): SetupPayload

A factory function for creating SetupPayload with data and metadata as String.

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By default, springboot's RSocket implementations is using mime-type metadata of MessageRSocketCompositeMetadata.

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suspend fun Messages.streamMessages(messages: Flow<Message>)

Streams messages to hub-server.

fun Messages.streamMessages(messages: Flux<Message>)

Flux variant of Messages.streamMessages.